cyber security travel

Maintain Cyber-security When Employees Travel

Now that most COVID-19 restrictions have lifted, many employees are resuming business travel. While the return to normality is welcome, it may increase organisational cyber-security risks. Travelling employees often carry valuable data and may not always be careful about securing their devices, making them prime targets for cyber-criminals.

Research by found that 29% of Britons have had their mobile phone stolen or go missing during a work trip. A further 7% have had laptops stolen. In the hands of cyber-criminals, these devices—if compromised—could result in a major security breach, with dire consequences for an organisation.

As such, it’s vital that your employees take steps to maintain cyber-security when travelling. Consider these tips:


  • Establish wi-fi policies. Wi-fi sharing can leave devices discoverable to the public, including malicious actors. Encourage employees to use a 4G mobile network when travelling. Otherwise, have clear policies in place outlining what is and isn’t acceptable when using public wi-fi. For example, sensitive activities, such as banking, should never be conducted over public networks.
  • Encourage employees to be vigilant. When using devices, staff members should be constantly vigilant. Remind employees to work with their back against a wall or barrier when using a laptop to prevent others from looking at their screen. Better still, consider installing a privacy screen filter.
  • Protect against worst-case scenarios. Even the most vigilant employee can accidently lose a device or have it stolen, so backup measures are essential. Reduce the chances of data being compromised by setting up device authentication, including complex PIN and password combinations or face recognition. For an additional layer of protection, consider full disk encryption.
  • Utilise a virtual private network (VPN). VPNs are secure, encrypted network connections. Such networks can help reduce the risk of cyber-attacks by establishing a secure connection between users and the internet. Consider creating VPNs and requiring employees to utilise these during travel.
  • Establish response plans. Ensure employees know what steps to take should a device be compromised. Prompt action is essential to lessen the chance of a cyber-breach.


For more information on cyber-security, contact us today.

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