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Safety Focus in the Workplace

There are many tasks that may require you to lift heavy objects on the job. Although these everyday tasks may seem harmless, they have the potential to cause serious injuries that can permanently impact your life if they aren’t performed safely. Some common workplace activities that may involve lifting heavy items include:

In partnership with Loveworks

At the end of a busy year, we have turned our attentions to our plans for 2022. It has been on our hearts for a while now, to offer our committed support to a local charity. When we discussed the way forward with our team, we recognised that we wanted to do more than simply take part in one-off national Christmas giving campaign or local fund-raising event.  We wanted to make a long-term commitment to offering voluntary support to help in our community.

Structural Issues and Aging Buildings

While modern building regulations and structural engineering have made buildings extremely safe, facilities managers must maintain a high level of upkeep for them to remain that way. Buildings can lose their structural integrity as they age; as such, if simple repairs are left untended, they can balloon into larger issues, potentially causing significant damage that can interrupt operations and even endanger others. Continual maintenance and inspections are imperative
for keeping aging structures safe and operable.